It’s that time again – time to offer up a ton of ideas to inspire you to head out the back door this spring and spend some time exploring backyard nature with your kids.
Special thanks to all of you who shared your own creative ideas with me on Facebook and when entering to win a free copy of “15 Minutes Outside.” I’m inspired by all of the fun ways you are exploring nature with your kids every day.
Without further ado, some simple ways to enjoy time outside with your kiddos this spring:
- Go on a spring nature scavenger hunt
- Paint garden pots, then plant a flower inside each
- Start a vegetable garden
- Take a color walk
- Tour neighborhood gardens
- Dig for treasure in sand or dirt
- Make wind streamers
- Create a fairy garden
- Play with shadows
- Take a spring flower walk
- Color, paint or read outside
- Make a whistle from a blade of grass
- Plant native wildflowers
- Go on a bug hunt
- Embrace the wind
- Make mud prints
- Play nature bingo
- Set up a bird bath
- Go butterfly watching
- Start a bird book
- Search for four-leaf clovers
- Dig out of ice
- Say “hi” to a squirrel
- Make magic soup with water and items from nature
- Stop and smell the flowers
- Set out a bird feeder
- Bring favorite toys outside
- Play dinosaur hide & seek
- Go on a rainy day scavenger hunt
- Press flower petals
- Take a family treasure hunt
- Go on a photo safari
And a few more lists to help inspire some backyard nature fun:
- 50 Ways to Explore Nature in Your Own Backyard
- 30 Ideas for Winter Backyard Nature Fun (just in case it’s still cold where you live!)
- 25 Ideas for Turning a Neighborhood Walk Into a Nature Adventure
- 11 Ideas for Rainy Day Outdoor Fun
What’s your favorite way to connect with nature during the spring in your backyard or beyond?
@Mel: LOL! I have a feeling your boys will love it!
I too love the Magic Soup post and it might be warming up just enough to do it now. Still snowing, mind you, but warm enough…
@backyardsafari: Isn't it funny how no matter the year/era, some things about kids & the outdoors remain the same. 🙂
Somehow I missed your magic soup post in February! I love that this is a game lots of kids come up with. Great list!