Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard.
I used to wonder how blowing bubbles could help kids connect with the outdoors. But that was before I actually sat down and watched the magic at work.
In our family, blowing bubbles is currently the go-to activity when one or more of us is feeling grumpy. That’s because it’s hard to be unhappy when you’re blowing bubbles.
I’ve read that kids especially enjoy colored bubbles and giant bubbles. But the basic formula works well enough for us. We’ve blown bubbles on rainy days, birthdays, grouchy days – even on the porch in Yosemite.
There’s no fighting when you blow bubbles. Nothing to argue about. Just time to sit on a favorite step, lay down in the grass or find a favorite tree and blow to your heart’s content.
And although the surroundings may change, one thing stays the same. Time slows down while the kids giggle, chase, grab and enjoy the fun.
Take-Home Tips
- Make your own bubble solution. We haven’t actually tried this, but we should. Check out this post for some guidance.
- Blow bubbles in various kinds of weather. What happens on windy days? Rainy days?
More Ideas for Spring Outdoor Fun
- Play Bug Bingo, National Wildlife Federation
- Make a miniature garden, NurtureStore
- Create a fairy loom, Moment to Moment
- Or check out one of these 32 ideas for spring backyard nature fun
And if you live in the Los Angeles area, join the Los Angeles River Bike Ride. Young kids will learn some bike safety basics through fun, interactive activities; kids 6 and under will practice riding techniques on a festive bike loop. The Kids Ride and Fun Fair are FREE. Sun., June 5, 10 a.m.
Happy exploring!
@Jeffrey: Thanks for your support! Sometimes it feels like I am fighting an uphill battle, so it's always nice to get encouragement from like-minded folks.<br /><br />@Rebekah: Our cats love bubbles, too. Great idea (though our cats are indoor only)!
That's so nice…I was just passing by and saw your blog. Its great for making kids busy in such games.
You've reminded us how the little things bring happiness to children. <br />Another fun way to enjoy bubbles is with your cat. My daughter and I have had many laughs watching our cat hunt bubbles.
Hi Debi — Love your blog. You're at the forefront of a movement away from a sped-up, dumbed-down, digital experience world. People (especially kids) are yearning to reclaim awareness, curiosity and wonder, and your simple, accessible tips are perfect! Keep up the great work, and keep having fun. Have a wonder-full day!