When I spotted The Big Explorer trying to grab a just-out-of-reach lemon off a low-hanging branch on our lemon tree earlier this week, I had no idea why he wanted it. Instead of getting the lemon for him (which he asked me to do), I watched him try, fail, and try again until he finally figured out a way to procure the lemon on his own. What happened next was completely … [Read more...]
Summer Day Camps for Nature Lovers
Can you believe summer is right around the corner? We already have some extra-special plans in the works, among them a week of summer camp. At 6 ½ years old, the big explorer isn’t heading to sleep away camp anytime soon, so we’ve opted for day camp instead. I’ll admit I was a little overwhelmed when I started my research. There’s something for everyone these days – from … [Read more...]
Fun Friday: Create a Fairy Garden
It’s been nearly a year since The Big Explorer built a fairy house. But thanks to several visits from the tooth fairy since then, he hasn’t lost his belief in the magical world in which they exist. When I suggested it might be fun to build a fairy garden in our backyard, he jumped to it. He immediately started drawing a blueprint for the garden, which he called his “fairy … [Read more...]
Fun Friday: Magic Soup
Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. There has been much brewing of magic soup around these parts lately. Amidst some rainy, cold, blustery days, the explorers managed not to mind the weather one bit – as long as they were busy creating their secret concoction outside in our backyard.It all started with the big … [Read more...]
Fun Friday: Ride a Bike
Fun Friday activities are quick-and-simple ways to explore nature in your own backyard. Bike riding isn’t just a simple way to get some exercise and spend time together as a family outside; it also allows you to explore nature in your own neighborhood and beyond.We recently enjoyed a late afternoon ride along the Los Angeles River, which although not a particularly … [Read more...]