I learned about Wild Cards on the Handbook of Nature Study last month and knew we had to check them out for ourselves.
I was particularly interested in the Backyard Birds set, which includes full-color photographs of common backyard birds, along with fun facts about the birds – all wrapped up in a familiar card game format. Think “Go Fish” meets your favorite backyard bird guide.
Wild Cards, created by the women at Birdcage Press, were designed to make learning more fun and engaging for kids. The Wildlife and Nature card sets include such titles as North American Birds, Dinosaurs, Sea Creatures, Mammals, and Reptiles and Amphibians. (There are decks available in other categories including art, air and space, and history.)
We field-tested three sets of Wild Cards, including 52 Amazing Places: National Parks, Backyard Birds and Bugs. To provide a level playing field, we decided to compare how each deck fared with a game of “Go Fish.”
Here’s a little info about each of the three decks we field-tested.
52 Amazing Places: National Parks
This mostly traditional-looking set of cards includes 52 national parks divided into categories such as canyons, mountains, caves, deserts and the like. Each card features a color photograph of a park along with fun park facts.
- Includes 52 playing cards
- Cards suited for any favorite card game
- Suitable for all ages
- Price: $9.95
Wild Cards: Backyard Birds
The Backyard Birds deck was created in association with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and features images from leading wildlife photographers. Cards are divided into groups such as songbirds, woodpeckers, hummingbirds and more. This set also comes with a guidebook filled with tons of information about each of the featured common backyard birds.
- Includes 36 playing cards & a 32-page fact book
- Cards suited for Memory, Old Maid & Go Fish
- We had fun learning which birds were in which categories
- Suitable for kids 6+
- Price: $12.95
Wild Cards: Bugs!
The Bugs! deck of cards have no numbers, instead highlighting a variety of types of bugs, including ants, caterpillars, spiders, beetles and more. In addition to the info provided about the species on each card, this deck comes with bonus cards on what the bugs eat and where to find them.
- Includes 48 playing cards plus bonus fact cards
- Cards do not have numbers on them; suited for Memory, Old Maid & Go Fish
- Some names are a little tricky for new readers to pronounce, making “Go Fish” a little … interesting!
- Not for the faint of heart (or non-bug fans) as you’ll be holding tight to vibrant images of creepy crawlies
- Suitable for kids 5+
- Price: $9.95
The Nitty Gritty on Wild Cards
When I asked The Explorers for their verdict on which set of cards they liked best, they were no help. “All of them,” was their response.
Luckily, we were able to come up with a few reasons why. All three sets of cards are made of quality material and feature gorgeous color images. There was lots of oohing and ahhing – even with the Bugs! deck. And although each of the decks are geared to the over-5 crowd, The Little Explorer (who is a couple months shy of 4) had lots of fun playing along. He also enjoyed finding matching pairs on his own.
Wild Cards make for a great rainy day activity, are perfect for travel and camping, and would be a fun gift idea for Easter baskets.
My one complaint? The larger-than-average size of the cards makes them a little hard to shuffle, and hard for little hands to hold.
The Giveaway
I’m thrilled that the nice folks at Birdcage Press are providing me a set of each of these cards to give away. That means one set of cards for each of three lucky winners!
To enter, leave a comment below telling me which set of cards you’d like and why. Good luck!
- This giveaway will run through midnight PST on Wed., April 4, 2012.
- You must include an email address with your comment. Entries without an email address will not be included.
- This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
- The winner will be chosen using the nifty random number generator at random.org.
- Winner will have 24 hours to reply to my notification; if I don’t hear back after that, I’ll pick another winner.
Note: I was given three complimentary sets of Wild Cards to field-test in exchange for providing my honest review with you. Read my disclosure policy for more information.
Oops. Forgot my email. 🙂 treehugger0127@yahoo.com
A tough decision, but I'm gonna have to go with the national parks one. I want to visit many of the parks with my kids, and those cards would be real handy.
I would love the national park ones. We've been talking about places we would like to visit and I think my son would be interested to learn abou new places.<br /><br />Katie<br />mamabubblering@yahoo.com
I would get a handle on Bugs! without feeling creeped out. <br /><br />Mntnmover1@yahoo.com
The birds cards..as they portable and my son loves animals! Thanks! Cmayes@insightbb.com
Awesome cards! We'd love the National Park set as we are avid explorers of the parks and have recently moved – new parks are thereby awaiting us – and we are planning a trip to Yellowstone & Grand Tetons in May 2013. Thank you!! eva_varga at me dot com
I think I would like the National Parks one best. My kids already have some field guides to bugs and birds but we haven't been very many places outside our state yet so I think the National Parks set would show off the variety of beautiful places around our country. Thanks!
These cards are cool! We just got the annual National Park pass so I'd love the National Parks set as we explore more parks this year. Although, I may need to get the backyard birds since we have a birdfeeder. Thanks for hosting the giveaway. mary[at]theworldisabook[dot]com
Please leave an email address to complete your entry. Thanks!
Hi there!<br />Three months ago, we moved from Philadelphia, PA to Saint Paul, MN. My two boys (age 4 and 6) were sad to leave their home and friends behind, but already in this short time here in MN, we have started to love the outdoors very much. We are adventuring in one of the many parks and around the lakes every weekend and the boys love to get their hands dirty, digging and treasure
Wow! Great giveaway! They all seem so neat! My daughter would be lucky to get any of them! We are starting a bird journal! She is fascinated by bugs! Seriously, can't choose! Just pick me! She loves science & nature! <br />asthetahoerolls@yahoo.com
I would really like the birds as I am a Montessori preschool teacher, and the more I know, the more I can share the love of the outdoors!
I think the national parks set looks pretty cool! wandering_off AT yahoo DOT com
National Parks! We are about to head out on a 2 month excursion of visiting the National Park Systems of the west coast and we'd love to have a card game to keep us busy that also features our passion (we are NPS Passport Stamp Collectors).<br />CoreyAnn<br />coreyann [AT] adventurebee [DOT] net
I love the National Parks set!! I 'm such a fan, And love to learn about each park (seriously you should see my stash, DH will tell you I'm nuts LOL)<br />:-) Christina <br />perikeet at yahoo dot com
All look beautiful, but think the Birds would work best as we've been trying to identify birds in backyard and around town (other than pigeons, hummingbirds and crows that is!) adbw17@yahoo.com
Geeesh, do we have to decide? I have a 2 year old who flys through the flashcards geared towards 4-5 year olds! I'd love to actually challenge him and make him think about things! Hmmmm, I guess I'll pick the birds! (Hubby says the bugs)! <br />Great Site, Kimberly<br />rugh_kimberly@yahoo.com
BIRDS! I am teaching a whole unit on Birds/Tress this summer and these cards would be great for my lesson.<br />Thanks!<br />tara<br />tara.lowen1@gmail.com
Bugs bugs bugs too. My girls love bugs, things that crawl, things that semi-fly, things that creep everyone else out. info@frogmom.com
Bugs, bugs, bugs! Love that there's a little bit of information about the bug on each card and J-Man loves bugs.
I'd love the wild backyard birds set so my son can sort out the birds he sees around the house and on the trail here in PDX.
In this house, definitely the bugs!
Found you on Pinterest and love this post! I think I'll order a set for our Easter baskets! I would totally choose the birds first, but I think the bugs look pretty stinkin' awesome too! sigmonlabsncsu@yahoo.com
Found you on Pinterest and love this post! I think I'll order a set for our Easter baskets! I would totally choose the birds first, but I think the bugs look pretty stinkin' awesome too! sigmonlabsncsu@yahoo.com
Its so hard to only choose one!!! But if I have to, I'll choose the bugs. My son is totally into bugs! Janaw1983@gmail.com
All of those sets look like fun! kwatrous@gmail.com
I am torn between the bugs and the national parks. We are taking a road trip around the perimeter of the US and my "theme" is bugs. We are going to pluck the bugs off the front of the car, put them between some contact paper and while we continue driving, they can look at the bugs thru their magnifying glasses. These cards would be an extra added bonus! tianapage(at)yahoo(dot)com<br
I love the National Parks because it really shows how landscapes can be so different in different parts of the world. (I like the Bugs and Birds, too because you could really use them in your backyard adventures! going.va@gmail.com
These are all great! I know my girls would love the Backyard Birds set the most because they are such big fans of birds! mycreativepathway@gmail.com
I would love the National Park Set. These look so fun!<br />Kris<br />chattykris@yahoo.com
kathyjrogers@gmail.com<br /><br />Thanks!
Bugs! I'm a docent at the L.A. Zoo (I found your blog through a Google Alert when you posted about your trip to the LAIR) and I show bugs sometimes in the small animal shows.
Thanks for the great review. We would LOVE the bug set. If we win we would have you ship it to Maine! :)<br />Great fun!<br />dawnsuzette(at)gmail(dot)com
I totally want the National Parks cards, though they all look awesome! I'm always wanting to get my kids' input on places we could go visit, but they don't want to sit and look at websites with me. I think the cards would be perfect! stephanie(at)ozenne(dot)com
Don't forget to leave your email address to complete your entry. Thanks!
What a great giveaway! I would be very interesting in throwing my name in the hat for the bird cards. My 5 year old son just can't get enough of birds! We recently bought 2 parakeets and a conure so we could get a little more up-close-and-personal with the feathered friends. We also have a birdfeeder outside of our kitchen window, but we don't have a convenient way of identifying which
My son would like the bug cards.
We would be happy with any of the 3. We love backyard birdwatching…my 7 year old is becoming quite the expert. We love bugs…comes with working in a nature center (not sure all my kids are on board) and we would love to learn more about our National Parks! Thanks so much for offering the opportunity. Love everything you post!<br />Kathleen in PA<br />kgg305@comcast.net
Hmm… they are all so tempting. I'd pick the park cards, but I think the boys would like the bug. So, I'll go with Bugs!<br />Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I think the National Parks ones are great because we are about to move to one of those parks! (Yellowstone :))<br />Thanks for a great giveaway! mountainmamatales(at)gmail(dot)com
Cathy, can you leave your email address, too, please? Thanks!
I think my nephew would love Bugs as a birthday present (I'd take any set for our house, but just planning ahead!)
All of the cards look like something my kids would love. I think they would like the bird cards because we are making bird feeders and trying to learn more about birds. 52brandnew@gmail.com
Those all look so great! I guess I want the birds the most though because I've been wanting to identify some of our own backyard birds. 🙂 abbazabba16@gmail.com