Last year’s 9 Valentine nature crafts for kids post was a big hit around here. So I figured you might be interested in seeing some of the amazing ideas that have surfaced around the web since then.
Here are some of my favorite Valentine’s Day nature activities for kids.
1. Nature rocks: A random act of kindness
Heart rocks can be fun to make and give away. Or add a twist and participate in a nature-inspired random act of kindness by leaving your heart rocks outside somewhere “hidden”— to be discovered later by some lucky passerby.
2. Heart reflector hunt
Kari from has a great game to play with her heart reflectors. One person hides several heart reflectors outside just before dusk; then the kiddos can go on a heart reflector hunt in the dark using flashlights.
3. Love bug Valentines
These love bug Valentines from Nature for Kids (adapted from Dandee Designs) are perfect for the insect loving kid in your life.
4. Nature collage heart
I love the Golden Gleam’s nature collage heart. With just a few craft supplies and some items found in nature, your explorer can create a one-of-a-kind Valentine.
5. Heart hanging bird feeder
Don’t forget the birds this Valentine’s Day! Follow a few simple steps to make a heart hanging bird feeder like the one from By Stephanie Lynn.
6. Valentine twig arrows
Carolyn from Homework provides easy to follow instructions to make Valentine twig arrows. Use items from your own backyard, like twigs and feathers, to personalize your creation.
7. Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt
Suz from Slow Family Online has a fun challenge: See how many heart-shaped objects you can find on a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt around your neighborhood or beyond.
8. Valentine’s Day trail mix
Looking for an alternative to candy? Try this recipe for Valentine’s Day trail mix by Thrifty Jinxy.
9. Snowy hearts
Snow provides such a beautiful backdrop for land art, like the snowy hearts made by the Chocolate Muffin Tree using cranberries and evergreen bush.
10. Valentine love boats
We had fun making and floating paper boats a while back. Green Jello’s Valentine love boats offer a timely alternative.
11. Nature walk heart art
Worplayhouse has a great nature walk heart art idea. Cut a heart shape out of cardboard and decorate it with items from nature.
12. You Rock! Valentines
Okay, this one does involve candy. But it’s rock candy! Sally J Shim’s You Rock! Valentine is a clever twist on traditional cards. Perfect for your young rock hound.
13. Valentine picnic
Bundle up with your favorite treats and head outside for a Valentine picnic. has a bunch of recipes perfect for the occasion.
As long as we're doing something together, outside & (hopefully) active, I'm all for it. Even if I think some of these holidays are a little too Hallmark-y for me.
I usually try to avoid Valentine's activities, but some of these look really fun. I might have to reconsider my V-day avoidance.